Networking is one of the most important aspects of career success in any field. Of course, it’s great if you are prepared and talented, but if nobody knows about you, you won’t likely have much success. There is a Chinese saying:
“There are many ways in the front door and only one way in the back.”
It’s true WHO you know matters and it’s also true you can connect with the people who can help you in your career. But you have to leverage these connections, which is more involved than it might seem at first glance. Ultimately, you must build relationships with the people in your network. You want them to understand what you do and recommend you to others who might also benefit from knowing you.
Networking is an art form in itself, and it pays to do it well. This will most likely require some effort on your part, including studying how effective networking happens and putting it into practice for yourself.
You should pay close attention to business communications, such as the resume, cover letters, and how to use email and social media to portray yourself in a credible way to others in the music business in order to increase the quantity and quality of your connections.
Is it hard to break into the music industry?
Hey, if it was easy, everyone would be doing it, right? Here’s a well-known secret: Nothing worth doing is ever easy. If you want to be successful, you’re going to have to work for it, just like everyone else. Of course, luck can play a role, but even if you are lucky and get a “big” break, you will still need to make the sustained effort to stay in the business. And what looks like a big break is always the result of taking advantage of many smaller breaks along the way.
It’s not an easy thing to break into the music business, or any other business, for that matter. But if you are willing to work hard for it over a long time, it is achievable. Since everything else you could do with your career and life is also hard, you might as well choose something you like, so that the time you put in will also be enjoyable.