This is perhaps the most obvious time in any band’s career when they would need to hire a Lawyer, and while the role of record labels is changing in today’s musical economy, that doesn’t mean proper representation is any less necessary.
Throughout the relatively short history of the music industry, there have been dozens (if not hundreds) of examples of artists getting ripped off by unfair contracts they signed when they were first launching their careers. This is the time when musicians are perhaps at their most vulnerable, as they don’t often know what they are getting themselves into or what they are signing, and even if they do, they don’t usually start with a lot of power when it comes to negotiating.
I don’t mean to completely scare every artist gearing up to sign their first recording contract away from the idea entirely, but it is a process that needs to be taken seriously and handled very carefully. Before any meaningful discussions begin between either the artist and the label, or even between the Manager and those at the record company, a Lawyer needs to be involved.
Don’t simply hand your hired legal muscle the finalized deal and have them look it over once before signing, try to make them an involved party in all discussions. If you do, you’ll see not only they can ensure you’re not signing away your life’s rights or you’ll never be able to get out of this binding deal, but they may be able to make the terms more favorable to you as an up-and-coming musician.
It might cost you some cash upfront, but you’ll be happy you spent the money when the deal you end up with is everything you wanted it to be.