The reason I put these three books together is that they’re a trilogy. Through Austin Kleon’s years of creative work, he seems to have gleaned a lot of insights that have helped him create more and better art. And in these books, he passes along to us what he’s learned.
Steal Like An Artist is all about the creative process and allowing other artists to directly influence you. It’s about being proud of your work yet not thinking too highly of yourself.
Because there’s nothing new under the sun. Everything is a remix. We’re all recycling centers putting our own creative spin on the plastic bottles and tin cans we find.
Show Your Work! is all about sharing what you’ve made, even making the “sharing” part of your creative process. It sends the message that you shouldn’t wait until your art is perfect and polished before releasing it to the world, because it will never be perfect and polished according to you.
Get it out there. Show people what you’re working on. Get feedback and get better.
And finally, Keep Going is how to stay creative and motivated in a crazy and sometimes discouraging world. Kleon offers both philosophical approaches and practical things you can do to not lose heart as someone who makes art.
What’s a music book?
A music book can refer to a few different types of books: 1) a book of sheet music, 2) a book that’s meant to help a musician in some way, or 3) a book in the genre of music (ex. artist biography or memoir).