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Are you ready to take your music career to the next level but don’t have the right connections and expertise? If so, it might be time to consider bringing a Manager onto your team.

Unfortunately for all the dreamers out there, signing with a Manager can be just as elusive as landing a record deal. The process of finding a possible new management partner doesn’t have to be confusing, although it does involve a lot of hard work (not to mention, smart work).

If you think your band has the goods (killer tunes, an awesome live show, and active fans), sit down and brainstorm all the different ways you can work with a Manager to up your game.

What a Manager Does

Signing with a Music Manager can advance your career in ways you wouldn’t ordinarily be able to maneuver on your own. Apart from the prestige of being able to say “Talk to my Manager,” however, what can a Manager really do for you? (Side note: please don’t say “Talk to my Manager.”) It’s important to have realistic expectations about a working relationship before you agree to work together, so here’s what you need to know.

A Manager can open doors for a band and help them overcome hurdles. They’re not doing this out of the goodness of their own hearts, however, so expect to pay them around 20% of income derived from your musical career.

To some people, this sounds like a lot, but it’s the industry standard. Of course, some ask for less, and some for slightly more. (If a potential Manager is asking for too much more, you should probably avoid signing with them. They’re either a scammer or completely ignorant of how the business really works.) So, what do you get for your 20%?

A Manager can help you get to the next level professionally by handling any of the following:

  • Helping you get a higher number of shows
  • Helping you get shows at more prestigious venues
  • Booking gigs for you in other cities outside of your market
  • Upping your online numbers (newsletter subscribers, social media fans, etc.)
  • Making connections with other industry types (Music licensing firms, Band Directors, Booking Agents, Producers, other bands and possible musical collaborators)
  • Improving your press kit and imaging
  • Upping your merch game
  • Taking care of the day-to-day business aspects of your career
  • Seeking and securing recording or publishing deals for the band

Making Sure You’re Ready

Before landing a Manager who can help you with these career-expanding moves, however, you’ve got to prove you’re already putting in the work, and just need someone experienced to take you to the next level. Honestly, this is the only way the Manager/Musician relationship will work. If you’re too green, a well-respected Manager isn’t going to take you on. This goes both ways — if you’re too new to the music world, you also might not be aware of when you’re being taken advantage of. You need to have spent some time immersed in your own music scene, making connections, building an audience, and booking your own shows before you seek outside help.

Music Managers are searching for bands that are the full package already. These are bands that know what they’re doing and need a little extra professional “oomph” to take them to the next level. How can you tell if you’re at or approaching “full package” level?

Here’s what Managers want to see from you and your band:

  • Quality musical recordings (i.e. no bad bedroom demos)
  • Professional photos
  • Social media presence
  • A professional website and/or Bandcamp page
  • Live concert video of your attention-grabbing stage show
  • A band bio, and possibly an EPK (electronic press kit)
  • A dedicated fan community (i.e. a large mailing list, high YouTube subscriber numbers or video plays, and/or active social media followers)

Yes, this is all stuff you can do yourself, as intimidating as it may initially seem, and it’s vital to have in place before approaching a Manager — or before a Manager will approach you. Remember, a Music Manager doesn’t exist simply to do the business-related stuff you don’t want to do; they’re there to help you build on your success.

Does my band need a Manager?

Alison Stolpa (CareersInMusic)

Often, bands want a Manager to help them succeed. However, to earn their interest, you’ve got to show any potential Managers that you’re already on the path to success. Basically this means you’ve got to manage yourself for a while, getting together a professional-looking EPK, live concert videos, and strong photos. You’ve got to prove your career isn’t stagnant or flatlining but instead that it’s on the rise. This means you’ve got to have a devoted and growing audience, both online and in the concert venue.

A Manager wants to see that you have potential and that you’re ready to put the work in to capitalize on that potential. If your local following is expanding, you’re getting more press than ever, and perhaps even a record label or another, bigger band wants to tour with you, then yes, your band could be in the market for a Manager, and reasonably expect to attract one who can really help.

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Finding a Good Fit

Before you sign anything, make sure you and your potential Manager really jive. Ask yourself what you need and want in a Manager, and what this person can deliver.

Remember, a newbie or unconnected Manager can hurt your career, especially if you’re signed to a contract with them and they’re holding you back because they aren’t helping you progress — either through lack of connections or because they don’t know what they’re doing. Then, when it comes to more experienced Managers, you need to know they have the connections that make sense for your band.

For example, if you’re looking for a record deal and you have a very specific sound, a Manager who doesn’t have any real connections to this genre isn’t going to understand you and isn’t going to be able to help you. Oh, and don’t forget, they work for you, not the other way around.

Of course, none of this means the potential working partnership is all about you. The Manager wants to see you’re fulfilling your half of the deal; you can prove you’re professional and a pleasure to work with by being prepared for any meetings you make. You can do this by having reasonable expectations, explaining how you’re working towards these goals, and asking the Manager what they’d do to help you meet them.

This all goes back to the earlier parts of this article in which we discussed being the full package and knowing exactly what’s realistic for a Manager to achieve with your band. Bring evidence of what you’re already doing and what victories you’ve won for yourself, then see what their vision is for you and your music. Don’t get so caught up in the importance of netting this meeting you forget to gauge the Manager on an authentic level, too. Do you like them? Do they get what you’re going for? Can you envision working closely with this person for a number of years? If not, you can pass.

You don’t have to sign with a Manager just because they’re the first person who wanted to put a contract in front of you. If you’re on your game, making things happen, and pursuing next steps for your musical career, the right relationship will come.

How do I contact an Artist Manager?

Alison Stolpa (CareersInMusic)

Many artists will list their Manager’s contact info on their official website and/or social pages. If they only list their Manager’s social media handle, search for the Manager’s name and the name of the agency they work for.

Contacting them through their social media pages is not advised: it can be seen as an invasion of privacy or the messages can get lost if too many people are contacting them through their DMs. It’s much more professional to email them through their work email or to at least find their company’s general info email address and send them a message through that account.

Emailing is a better idea than calling, although you could call to followup after first sending an inquiry email and a second email followup. Email is the smart choice because the Manager can then check out any links, photos, videos, or BandCamp pages you send them to see if they’d be interested in representing you. Be sure to include these things in a polite, succinct email.

Need more advice on getting management? Check out our article on what a Manager can do for you and how you can get one and how to get Managers to hear your music.

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